Learning About Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

When looking for Binge Eating Disorder Treatment, it is important to understand what you are looking for. So, what is Binge Eating Disorder, or BED?

Those with BED eat considerable larger amounts of food in a short period of time. After binging, there are often feelings of guilt, shame, depression, and feelings of self-loathing. The condition itself can be the product of several factors. Like trauma, emotional eating, stress eating, and even chronic dieting can lead to binge episodes.

One of the challenging things about determining if a person needs Binge Eating Disorder Treatment is identifying if there is an issue. It is very difficult to determine at what point eating becomes binge eating. Even more so when considering social aspects, opinions and comments around the right amount of food to have.

But that is where Nutrition Braved is ready to help. Our team of experienced dietitians can help patients properly identify the disorder and make a plan to help. Our patients benefit from a personalized Binge Eating Disorder Treatment developed to meet their specific needs.

If this is something that interests you, please do not hesitate to call 630-474-5321 and speak with one of our clinicians in Naperville. They can discuss your needs and can provide more details regarding our Binge Eating Disorder Treatment options. To send us a message instead, please fill out the form found on this page, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Approach

It is important to understand that eating disorders are very serious and need to be handled as such. With this in mind, we look at a person as a whole. Learning about their life, personal experiences, and their relationship with food. This ensures patients can benefit from caring support that considers people, not just issues. With every patient, we consider our philosophies:

  • All Foods Fit—We support patients in removing food judgements and help them find balance with food your body needs without depriving patients
  • Neutralizing Food –There can be foods that you have labeled as “good” or “bad” or foods that you have a history of restricting or binging. We work to neutralize these foods to work towards an all foods fit model. This helps remove the perceived power of these foods, and can sometimes be done with planned and supported food exposures with your dietitian
  • Mindful Eating—This can be a difficult, ongoing process, where patients need to be fully present and experiencing what they are eating. We will work with you on techniques for mindful eating
  • Intuitive Eating – For some, Intuitive Eating can be a helpful framework in recovery, but may not work for everyone. Your individual dietitian will help determine if it is appropriate for you
  • Individual Care —Every person is unique, and so is their history with eating, we embrace this uniqueness and honor it with individualized care
  • Practical Solutions—With considerations to what makes mealtimes stressful. We provide practical solutions for meal planning and preparation while considering various factors like culture, economics, ability, and time

With these philosophies and a tailored Binge Eating Disorder Treatment, we can guide our patients to improving their relationship with food.

Healthy At Every Size or HAES®

Nutrition Braved comprises a team of registered dietitians and nutritionists specializing in eating disorders. Through our practice, we are passionate about honoring HAES and fighting chronic diet culture.

With the large amounts of social pressure to look a certain way and adhere to unattainable standards. People often battle with their relationship with food. Leading to bigger problems in the long run. We understand that it can feel impossible, but we are here to help patients improve their relationship with food. By removing rules, judgements, and obsessions. It is our goal to help patients feel more at peace with their relationship with food while encouraging a more enriched life focusing on enjoyable things.

Work With Nutrition Braved

The first step to any change is recognizing that there may be an issue, and that is ok. Our team is ready to listen and provide the support you need. You can speak with one of our team members in Naperville by calling 630-474-5321. They can answer questions you may have regarding our Binge Eating Disorder Treatment. If you would prefer to send us a message instead, please fill out the form found on this page, and we will contact you shortly.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment
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