The Power of Family-Based Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

The Power of Family-Based Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

Recovery is a collective effort, and families play a significant role in offering support and creating a positive environment. When dealing with the complexity of an eating disorder, addressing it as a team can be immensely beneficial. However, as a parent, figuring out how to start or what to do may be tough. That’s where Family-Based Therapy comes in to help and guide you.

While family based therapy might not be the right fit for everyone, we will work with each individual and their family to determine the best use of family based therapy, with full, partial or no incorporation of  family based treatment into our care. Our care is highly individualized to each person’s needs. 

Family-Based Therapy (FBT) is a form of family therapy where the patient and their family visit a healthcare provider, like a dietitian or therapist, together. It’s highly effective in treating eating disorders in children and teens. The patient, parents, and siblings all take part in learning how to navigate thoughts and behaviors related to food and nutrition. While it requires commitment and effort, the impact it can have on recovery is significant.

FBT Principles

1. The eating disorder is distinct from the patient, treated as an external force

Rather than being considered a part of the child, the eating disorder is perceived as an external influence taking hold of the child.

2. Holds an agnostic view of the cause of the illness

Recognizing that there are various factors contributing to an eating disorder, the emphasis is on the recovery journey rather than delving into each factor.

3. Embraces a non-authoritarian approach

Empowers families to actively support their child, and recognizes parents as experts in their children’s lives.

4. Ensures proper nutrition and prevents disordered eating behaviors

The initial focus is on providing appropriate nutrition, with parents taking an active role in feeding the child.

How we can help:

At Nutrition Braved, we aim to support families dealing with eating disorders right where they are. That’s why we integrate FBT (family-based therapy) principles into our sessions. Our goal is to help parents understand how to nourish and support their child based on their unique needs and lifestyle. Our trained clinicians are here to guide you through any barriers you may be facing:

  • Releasing the pressure from the caregiver 
  • Navigating School 
  • Support around physical activity 
  • Collaboration between different members of the care team 

For more information about our approach and to schedule a consultation, contact us today.

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