Nurturing a Positive Body Image Through Coping Skills

Persons hand holding ice as coping technique.

Nurturing a Positive Body Image Through Coping Skills

Struggling with body image is something we all experience from time to time, and it’s completely normal. The weight of those thoughts and judgments can feel heavy, and it’s important to acknowledge these moments and take a moment to breathe and center yourself. In this blog, we’ll explore effective techniques and coping skills to help you feel grounded and find peace and calm when those moments of overwhelm hit. Your body is incredible, and deserving of respect and appreciation.

Sensory Countdown

The Sensory Countdown is a coping skill designed to help you connect with your five senses and engage yourself in the present moment, particularly when feeling overwhelmed. Here’s how it works:

  • 5 Things You See: Take a moment to visually identify five objects around you. Pay attention to their colors, shapes, and textures. This practice encourages you to observe your surroundings with intention.
  • 4 Things You Feel: Now focus on four things you can physically touch or feel. This might include the sensation of the ground beneath your feet, the texture of an object nearby, or the temperature of the air on your skin.
  • 3 Things You Hear: Tune in to your auditory surroundings and identify three distinct sounds. Whether it’s the hum of background noise, nature sounds, or other environmental sounds, this step encourages you to be present in the moment.
  • 2 Things You Smell: Move your attention to your sense of smell and identify two scents around you. This could include the aroma of your surroundings or any nearby odors. Maybe is the smell of fresh cut grass, a lit candle or someone’s perfume. Engaging your sense of smell can be a powerful way to ground yourself.
  • 1 Thing You Taste: Finally, focus on your sense of taste by identifying one taste, whether it’s the lingering flavor of a recent meal or a subtle taste in your mouth. This can also be things that you can imagine tasting, like mint, coffee or even gum

Temperature Technique

  • Holding something of a different temperature,  like a warm cup of tea or ice, helps stop those anxious thoughts. By engaging with different temperatures, we gently guide our minds away from worry and towards the simple pleasure of sensation. This simple, soothing act not only engages your senses but also helps you stay present in the moment. So, whether it’s the warmth of tea or the cool touch of ice, let these sensory experiences bring a sense of calm to your day. Your mind deserves a break, and this is a gentle way to offer it just that.

Butterfly Hug

  • The Butterfly Hug is like a friendly hug for your mind! It’s a simple yet powerful exercise that works wonders to soothe anxiety and stress, helping you shake off overwhelming thoughts and come back to the present moment. To give it a try, just cross your arms over your chest and tap your shoulders – left hand to right shoulder, right hand to left shoulder, and keep it rhythmic. While you’re at it, focus on your breath and the comforting feeling of your hands moving. It’s a delightful technique that engages both sides of your brain, offering a comforting way to ground yourself when you start to feel any stress or anxiety.

Square breathing

Here’s how it works: Take a slow, deep breath in through your nose for a count of 4 seconds. Hold it gently at the top for another 4-count. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth for another 4 seconds. Pause and hold your breath out for 4 seconds at the bottom. It’s like tracing a calming square with your breath! Adding square breathing to your daily routine can be a wonderful way to manage stress and invite a peaceful state of mind into your day.

Color spotting

Color spotting is a mindful exercise that invites you to engage with your surroundings in a playful and visually stimulating way. Imagine the vibrant colors of the rainbow—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Look around and spot one object for each of these lively colors. It could be the cozy red cushion on your sofa, the inviting orange book on your shelf, a sunny yellow flower on the table, a fresh green plant in the corner, the expansive blue sky outside, an enchanting indigo mug, or a vibrant violet pen. This delightful activity not only shifts your focus but also invites you to mindfully appreciate the diverse colors in your surroundings. It’s a simple and fun way to turn your attention from negative thoughts to the vibrant beauty all around you.

Support Beyond Coping Skills

If you are looking for further support on body image, we are here to help. Our trained dietitians specialize working with adolescent and adults struggling with negative body image and unhealthy image management practices. At Nutrition Braved, we understand the significance of these challenges and are committed to empowering you to embrace body acceptance and love. Our compassionate approach, rooted in the Health at Every Size (HAES) perspective, celebrates body diversity. It also prioritizes holistic well-being over appearance or weight. If you are looking for support beyond coping skills, feel free to contact us today or check out our page to learn more about body image.

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