
All Foods Fit
We want to support you in removing food judgments and allowing all foods into your life. We will work with you on how to balance foods to get what your body needs, while not depriving yourself. Each type of food serves a different purpose in nourishing your body. We will talk about how to include them all while finding a balance and challenging diet-minded or eating-disorder-related food avoidances.

Joyful Movement
Let your heart move your feet; This is how we like to think of joyful movement. We believe in helping you find the way that movement brings joy into your life, honor what feels good and brings you into your body. We believe it can also serve as a time in the day that is just for you.

Mindful Eating
Mindful eating is an important concept that can help aid in a more attuned relationship with food. Mindful eating means making sure you are fully present and experiencing what you are eating. We want to acknowledge that like most of this work, this may be more difficult for some and will be an ongoing process we work on together. There are so many different ways to incorporate mindful eating, we will work on the one that fits best in your life.

We know each person is unique with a different background, story, and relationship to food. We want to honor and embrace this diversity with highly individualized care.

Practical Solutions
We know there are many factors worthy of addressing that make mealtime stressful. We want to give you practical solutions to facilitate meal planning and preparation, while considering economics, culture, abilities, and time.