Strategies for Conquering Self-Doubt in Recovery

Strategies for Conquering Self-Doubt in Recovery

Strategies for Conquering Self-Doubt in Recovery

We all struggle with self-doubt, whether it’s at work, in parenting, in relationships, or facing challenges like tests. Occasional self-doubt is natural, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can hinder our progress. Those in recovery from disordered eating may encounter heightened self-doubt, posing challenges to their journey. For this reason, learning how to overcome self-doubt is crucial, not just for our mental health, but also for achieving our goals.

We know that every recovery journey is unique and that they are no walk in the park. They’re like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, accompanied by challenges and setbacks that become opportunities for learning and growth. It’s natural to question your strength when faced with certain obstacles, and this self-doubt can act as a roadblock on your path forward.  In this blog we’ll go over some strategies you can implement to ease self-doubt, making the recovery process less overwhelming.

Shift Your Inner Dialogue

  • Your mind is a powerful thing. Our thoughts have a big impact on how we feel and act. If you constantly think negatively, it can affect your behavior and responses to challenges. So, if you’re doubting your strength to face a specific challenge, it can make it seem tougher to overcome. Instead, be kind to yourself and challenge those negative thoughts. Remind yourself of your past accomplishments and speak to yourself like you would to a loved one or your younger self. Let your inner dialogue be your biggest cheerleader!

Set Goals

  • Every step, no matter how small, contributes to your recovery journey. Whether it’s reintroducing a feared food or being vocal about your boundaries, recognize that each goal, no matter its size, is a significant step toward healing. Celebrate every bit of progress—it all adds up!

Start Journaling

  • Journaling can be a helpful practice for many. Your journaling style is unique to you, but a good start is writing down at least one thing you’re proud of or thankful for each day. You can also include a list of daily affirmations to remind yourself of the positive aspects of your journey!

Surround Yourself With Your Support Circle

  • Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you. Spend time with people who lift your spirits and offer a helping hand when you need it most. Building a supportive network can make your journey feel lighter and brighter. Their positivity can be a source of strength when you need it the most!

Seek Professional Guidance 

  • When self-doubt feels overwhelming, reaching out for support is a wise move. It’s perfectly okay to seek help when needed. Professionals offer valuable perspectives and provide a safe space for you to express your doubts and fears without any judgment. If you are looking to seek professional guidance, please contact us to see how we can support you and to connect you with other trusted professionals.
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