
Woman overcoming her fear of eating in public (Deipnophobia) by eating pizza.

Deipnophobia: How to Overcome Eating Anxiety in Public

Dining out isn’t just about grabbing a meal; it’s a chance to connect with others, enjoy events, and celebrate milestones. While most people find this enjoyable, it can be daunting for those dealing with disordered eating or deiphnophobia – a form of social anxiety disorder, manifesting as the fear of eating in front of others.

The extensive menu choices can feel overwhelming, especially when trying to find safe foods. Menus with calorie counts can trigger guilt, food restriction, or even overeating and purging behaviors for those struggling with binge eating disorder and bulimia. Additionally, crowded restaurants can add to the intimidation.

Attending food-centric events can bring up feelings of anxiety, fear, or shame, making it tempting to decline with excuses like not feeling well or having other plans. However, avoiding these situations doesn’t solve the problem. Although eating in public during recovery is challenging, it is definitely possible. Dining out is a universal practice, and for those in recovery, it’s essential to learn strategies and tools to overcome deipnophobia and handle these situations confidently.

Tips for Overcoming Deipnophobia (Eating Anxiety)

Bring Your Support System

  • Since attending these events can be challenging and triggering, it’s crucial to surround yourself with supportive loved ones. They can offer encouragement and help you feel safe. Also, talk to them beforehand about how they can help you, whether it’s with ordering, helping you face fear foods, reminding you of your coping skills, or providing distractions while you eat. If you can’t bring them along, have someone available to call or text when you need support.

Have Your Toolkit at Hand

  • It’s important to have coping skills ready for when you feel overwhelmed. These can include techniques like color spotting, the sensory countdown, and breathing exercises you’ve learned.

If you want to learn more about these coping skills, we recommend reading this blog: Nurturing a Positive Body Image Through Coping Skills 

Stick to Light and Easy Conversation Topics

  • Since the situation might already be challenging, avoid discussing portion sizes, healthy foods, or new diet trends, as these can be triggering. There’s plenty to talk about besides food—like new shows, music, hobbies, books, or movies. Don’t hesitate to change the topic of conversation to something more comfortable if you start feeling uneasy.

Meet with your Dietitian or Therapist

  • These professionals are experienced in this field and can provide valuable guidance on handling the situation. They’re also there to listen to your concerns and address any worries you may have. A dietitian can even review the menu with you in advance, easing some of the stress and anxiety you might experience. They can introduce new coping strategies and assist you in managing any feelings of shame or judgment you may face.

Be Compassionate with Yourself

  • Choosing to dine out with loved ones is a significant step that deserves recognition! Stepping out of your comfort zone can be challenging, but with each experience, you’ll gain valuable insights and skills for handling various situations. It’s completely normal to feel nervous, but remember, the more you do it, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become.

Going out to eat can feel like an overwhelming challenge, but with the right support from professionals and loved ones, you can overcome deipnophobia! At Nutrition Braved, we want your dining experiences to be enjoyable, free from worry about ingredients or calories. You deserve a positive relationship with food, full of joy and without stress or shame. We’re here to help you achieve that! Our friendly clinicians will be by your side, offering a listening ear and constant encouragement whenever you need it. Let’s celebrate every step forward together on this journey!

For more information about our approach and to schedule a consultation, contact us today.

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