Eating disorder Nutrition blog
How to Set Healthy Boundaries During Recovery
Eating disorder recovery is undoubtedly challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Saying yes to treatment marks a significant step toward reclaiming your life. The journey to recovery may affect various aspects…
How Does Saying Yes to Treatment Transform Eating Disorder Recovery
Deciding to seek treatment for an eating disorder is a significant step towards healing and self-care. It’s understandable to have mixed feelings about this decision, as your eating disorder may have provided a sense…
How to Tell Someone You Have an Eating Disorder
Support is a cornerstone of successful eating disorder recovery. Telling your loved ones that you are struggling with an eating disorder can be a difficult but important step towards getting the support and help you need.
Navigating Body Image and Eating Disorders with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
In a society where diet culture, TikTok influencers, and contradictory messages about food and bodies prevail, many individuals find themselves struggling with negative body image and disordered eating patterns.
Learning to Live Without Being “Rescued” by ED
When you have an eating disorder, learning how to interact and make room for those pesky and uncomfortable internal experiences, such as thoughts and feelings, can be difficult.
How To Cope With Food Guilt
Guilt and shame are common emotions for someone who is struggling with an eating disorder. Guilt and shame can be described as ‘sibling emotions”, but they do have some distinct differences.
How to Make the Most of Therapy
Most clients enter therapy with clear goals in mind—whether it’s to feel better, stop unwanted behaviors, or worry less. Sometimes, once you start talking, you might find that it’s hard to stop as old hurts and memories flood in.
Breaking Free From All or Nothing Thinking
Do you ever feel like establishing a balanced relationship with food is a bit tricky when your eating plan isn’t picture-perfect? Do your thoughts about food cast a shadow on your overall approach to eating?
Non-Weight Related Benefits of Regular Exercise
Exercise brings so much more to the table than just weight loss. While social media influencers often spotlight workouts aimed at changing appearance, the real magic of exercise lies in its wide-ranging benefits…
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